Skin Information Network
Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff Treatment

Most cases of dandruff can be successfully managed with the use of over-the-counter dandruff shampoos such as Head and Shoulders products. Though dandruff has a tendency to be chronic, management should be relatively easy and convenient.

Choosing a dandruff shampoo

Most dandruff shampoos that are available on the market are effective at eliminating dandruff within a short amount of time. There are individual differences, so it may take some experimentation to see which products work best for you. For this reason, the product that works well for someone else may not necessarily be the most effective for you.

Your dandruff shampoo should contain at least one of the following active ingredients: Salicylic acid, Ketaconazole, Sulfur, Coal Tar, or Zinc Pyrithione.

How to apply dandruff shampoo

Use the shampoo exactly as directed on the bottle. If you have been recommended a product from a doctor, do as instructed. In general, frequent shampooing (with regular or medicated shampoos) will help control the oils that clump together the dandruff reducing their visibility.

When shampooing, massage the scalp firmly and thoroughly, and ensure that the shampoo reaches all areas of the scalp. This is especially important if you have long or curly hair. You may wish to leave the shampoo on for a few minutes before rinsing.

When to see a dermatologist

In the majority of cases, over the counter dandruff shampoos will clear your dandruff without any problems. If the dandruff is extremely severe, or if your scalp is inflamed, and feels like it is being squeezed, you may have a different condition. Seborrheic dermatitis and scalp psoriasis are conditions that can resemble dandruff, and may require stronger treatments.

Your dermatologist will help you make a diagnosis, and may prescribe stronger shampoos, or corticosteroid lotions to bring down the inflammation.

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